Fall is the time of crisp leaves. The time for frigid mornings, where very many of you may spend towering minutes awaiting your bus, to school to otherwise.The time old cozy warm colors and ear muffs, but that may not always be your style, which can make you feel uncomfortable about your appearance in an already less than comfortable time. I’ve consistently felt these constricting feelings during the fall months and have a few tips on how to maintain your unique style while avoiding hypothermia.
For those of you who prefer shorter outfits, but fear the price their length must pay, might I suggest (and this may seem obvious) tights. Often times (at least when I picture tights) I remember tights as uncomfortable, easily tearable (and terrible) accessory I had to wear to formal events, but recent takes on them have easily changed my mind. Some of the social media experts out there may have seen the trending “flower tights” going around. I’ve seen them everywhere, but in my search I rarely found a credible site selling them. A few I saw were “stuccu.com”, and amazon users such as “ToBe-U”, both of these I haven’t tested yet, their prices being around $14-16, a plus, although some of their ratings would say that the price is anything other than a bargain, some variations being poorly made, and falling apart. While, other reviews praised their quality.

Lirika Matoshi (https://lirikamatoshi.com ) Celestial Sweater, Floral Sweater, Garden of Dreams Sweater
If your fashion is anything like mine, It’s a little all over the place. Some days I’m edgy and wear bright neon colors, while others I wear cute frilly flowy pastels. For a while I’ve been looking for a company that sells attire that matches my erratic fashion decisions. One of the reasons we created TAO919 is to fill the void we see in the fashion industry when It comes to some of these visions, but a company that comes very close that has been brought to my attention is “Marigold Shadows”. Marigold Shadows is a lovely clothing brand (We also sell select pieces of this brand). Their clothing mirrors many of the aspects of my many different style zones.Expertly crafting the cute and frilly, as well as the dark and edgy. Many of their outfits are fun to wear while maintaining warmth. One particular piece of theirs I love is Kimonya irregular blouse dress, which incorporates traditional clothing with a twinge of edgy. Marigold Shadows has an exclusive, members on only offer in November - Subscribe below to save.
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