We accept consignment bags based on condition and brand name, with luxury designer bags in high demand. Each bag undergoes Entrupy certification, guaranteeing authenticity, while our market expertise ensures you get top dollar for your prized possessions.
If you have any of the following brands, we'd love to hear from you:
- Hermès
- Yves Saint Laurent
- Chanel, Louis Vuitton
- Gucci
- Prada, Fendi
- Dior
- Goyard
- Givenchy
Benefits of consigning with TAO:
- Generous Consignee split
- Brick and mortar Store
- Web site exposure
- Advertising on various platforms
- Payment within 7 days of sale
- Authentication certificate via Entrupy
Don't let your high-end handbags gather dust. With current market demand and our rigorous authentication process, we can turn your stashed bags into serious cash.
*Please contact us to sign-up today!